$49.00 AUD

Extra Resource Bundle (MP3 Download & eBook)

This bundle has been specially designed to complement the resources that are already included in the Hypnobirthing Australia course and provides you with a discounted bundle of the most popular ADDITIONAL album titles (that aren’t already included in the course) requested by participants attending our courses.

Please note: Participants of face-to-face classes already receive the Surge of the Sea album and other exclusive tracks, including a folio of resources (only available with classes).

The Extra Resource Bundle includes the following:

  • Prompts for Birthing MP3
  • Glove of Endorphins MP3
  • The Journey Fear Release MP3
  • Breastfeeding and Bonding with Baby (MP3)
  • BONUS Extra Resource Bundle eBook with further information on how to use the albums to get the most out of your practice.

The Extra Resource Bundle is a great additional resource for those participants wanting to obtain some extra tools throughout and beyond their hypnobirthing journey.

The retail price of these albums amounts to over $65.

Special discounted bundle price is $49 (inclusive of GST).