$16.99 AUD

Prompts for Birthing (Hypnosis for Childbirth) MP3

‘Prompts for Birthing’ is a professionally guided self-hypnosis album, specially designed to be used during your birth. The prompts, spoken in Melissa’s very reassuring and calm voice are slow, deeper toned and help you to sink into a very deep state of relaxation through your birthing.

As this album is designed to induce very deep relaxation; please ensure that you are not operating a moving vehicle or engaged in an activity which requires your attention whilst listening.

This album consists of one long-play track:

1. Prompts for Birthing 20.10

The use of hypnosis during childbirth has been shown to reduce the length of birth, the need for medication, intervention rates, levels of pain and fatigue and also the recovery time after birthing.

** Please note that this album is included in the Positive Birth Program Online Course


What People Are Saying:

We had a hypnobirthing track playing in the background throughout my whole labour. It was called 'Prompts For Birthing'. Now I know it might sound a bit hippy lahlah, but if I can recommend anything to future birthing women, it's to have this track playing on repeat! I reckon it completely transformed my headspace during labour. And it kept the calm vibe going in the room and into anyone who entered the room. I began listing to it at 37 weeks during the day when I was drifting off into a cat nap. It would relax me into a sleep and play out while I rested. I believe it really worked some serious magic.

Brooke Maree