This exclusive ‘little book of hypnobirthing’ eBook will give you a condensed run-down of the hypnobirthing philosophy, mindset and techniques.
It is easy reading (48 pages in length) and topics include:
- What is hypnobirthing
- Mindset matters
- Our amazing uterus
- How fear can affect birth
- Positive language of hypnobirthing
- Using affirmations
- Self-hypnosis
- Hypnobirthing breathing techniques
- Facial relaxation
- Visualisation
- Tools
- Prompts for birthing
- Optimal foetal positioning
- Knowledge is power
- Birthing preferences
- What you may expect during labour & birth
- Our supportive caregivers
- Special circumstances
- Birthing space
- Birth partner’s role
- Routine for practice
[ N.B. This eBook is already included in the Positive Birth Program Course (face-to-face or online) ].