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Caesarean Birth - Calm & Relaxed (Hypnosis for Childbirth) MP3

‘Caesarean Birth – Calm and Relaxed’ incorporates the techniques of relaxation, breathing, visualisation and self-hypnosis to prepare your mind & body for a calm and positive caesarean birth.

Deep relaxation and self-hypnosis have been shown to reduce the perception of pain, level of post-surgery medication required and also the length of recovery. The birth of your baby can and should be one of the most treasured times in your life. Prepare yourself to experience the joy!

Melissa is a passionate advocate for natural birthing; but also recognises that sometimes the safest delivery for mother and baby is via c-section. In addition to being one of Australia’s most popular and recognised hypnobirthing instructors, she has pioneered a special course to prepare parents for Cesarean Birth, which is receiving national and international acclaim.

Caesarean Birth – Calm and Relaxed has been developed to assist mothers to prepare for a positive C-section birth.

1. Affirmations for Caesarean Birth 11:04

The first track can be listed to at any time. It can be played as you go about your regular tasks of the day, or during dedicated relaxation practice time.

2. Butterfly Garden: Relaxation for C-Section 30:29

The second track is professionally guided self-hypnosis, so it is important that you do not listen to this track whilst operating a moving vehicle or when engaged in an activity that requires attention.

3. Affirmations After Caesarean Birth 6:02

The third track is designed to assist you in recovery. This can be listened to at any time.

Allow yourself to release any fears relating to your birth and positively anticipate the birth of your baby. Take some time out of your day, relax and enjoy this beautiful time as you bond with your baby and reprogram your subconscious mind for a calm and positive caesarean birth.

Spoken word by Melissa Spilsted

Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.