* Please note that this album is included in the online course
'Surge of the Sea' is professionally guided self-hypnosis, specially designed for use during pregnancy and childbirth.
This album comprises of two individual tracks. It is recommended that you listen to the tracks on a daily basis.
1. Surge of the Sea – Relaxation for Childbirth 20.32
The first track - Surge of the Sea - is guided self-hypnosis. Please ensure that you are not operating a moving vehicle or engaged in an activity that requires your attention whilst listening to this.
2. Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing 18.45
The second track - Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing - can be listened to at any time of the day or night. You can have this track playing in the background as you go about your normal daily activities, or you can relax and completely focus on the messages given.
Enjoy the benefits of regular relaxation practice through your pregnancy and take the opportunity to dedicate special time to bonding with your unborn baby.
Allow yourself to release any fears relating to childbirth and trust your body to do what it is designed to do.
Experience easier, more comfortable, natural birthing with Melissa Spilsted.
About the Artist:
Melissa Spilsted, HPCE, B.Ed, B.Arts is a renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist, registered Teacher and founder of Hypnobirthing Australia™. She has made television appearances, written for Mother and Baby Magazine and has taught the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program to many hundreds of parents throughout Australia.
Melissa used hypnosis for her own three births and with her knowledge and experience has developed this album to help you to prepare for your own positive and empowering birthing experience.
The use of hypnosis during childbirth has been shown to reduce the length of birth, the need for medication, intervention rates, levels of pain and fatigue and also the recovery time after birthing.
Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Spoken and written by Melissa Spilsted.